Nicholas TylerI said, "What time is it, Charlie, where did we go all day? We seem to get nowhere and do nothing but sit looking at
each other."
Late In The Day: I'm embarrassed by this dead HTML. Time for a radical rethink. So. What's the point of having a site? I saw a domain a while back that had a picture and two sentences; the picture was of the domain's owner, and the sentences were "Thanks for stopping by. I have nothing to tell you or sell you at this time." Telling and selling are good, simple words for what you can do with a web site. Recording is another. I like Warren Ellis's site, a link bank and news-feed filtered with a singular vision, spiced with personal anecdote. Not bad, eh? |
is a struggling fiction writer living in Atlanta, GA. Email: nickATclockwatchingDOTnet. East Commons, Georgia Tech Library