6/11/09: The Goat. for sale!

The Goat. Special Edition DVD is now for sale online! Follow this link to buy it through PayPal!

The Goat. is the LookSharp! and Porch Sitting Press Multimedia co-production now on DVD! The 30 minute film is adapted from Atlanta-based fiction writer Nicholas Tyler's short story of frustrated creative-writing grad students with stifled passions and discouraged dreams. It's a movie for anyone who has experienced a moment of doubt in themselves or their goals, wondering whether the unconventional path was actually worth the personal sacrifice, and if getting this far and working this long only means merely growing too old and going too far to turn back. The Goat. chronicles that inevitable moment of doubt (and the moments before and just after) with insight and humor. On sale for only $12.99 ($13.69 for Georgia residents).

Buy The Goat. on DVD

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